Why use a business coach?
Running a small business can feel lonely and be pressurised.
Whether you are running a million-pound business with investors, employees and shareholders to keep happy, or you are a Freelancer who has to deliver services to clients, whilst also being in the marketing, sales, finance and admin department; or an Entrepreneur, Start-Up, or another type of setting up. Business can be tough, and you will face challenges along the way. Business owners make multiple decisions every day, frequently ones that can impact you and your loved ones’ well-being.
Coaching can bridge the gap between where you are now, and where you want to be.
In every other walk of life where elite performance is an aspiration, coaches are utilised to accelerate progress and make a difference. There are coaches in sports, coaches for top CEOs, and coaching for leaders of nations.
Coaching is about looking forwards.
Coaching is particularly effective when the person being coached (the coachee) wants her/his circumstances to be different and knows that something needs to change, improve, or be enhanced so they can move forwards.
Coaching encourages learning and development.
The coach’s role in coaching sessions is to positively “influence someone’s understanding, learning, behaviour and progress” (Julie Starr). The coach uses their unique set of experiences, training, and personality to support the coachee. The coach is fully present for the client, uses effective listening and questioning skills, offer observations or challenges constructively and gives helpful feedback.
Coaching is about you.
Coaching is a unique opportunity for the focus to be 100% on you. To have someone in your corner, there with one purpose, to assist you.
Let’s focus on your business and on your life.